You deserve the best real estate representation available. Beyond my real estate specialization, I draw on a TEAM of professionals to bring about your desired goals.
I possess a deep understanding of real estate, from the inside out, having been an active Realtor®-Broker and Attorney for 30+ years. My goal, in every representation, is to foster informed decision-making based on your unique circumstances. Together, we consider realistic options, acting on those that make the most sense, and that serve to maximize NET proceeds while mitigating legal & tax liability exposures.
I come to the table ready, willing, & able to deliver superior comprehensive services drawing on my financial, tax, real estate, and legal expertise.
Most times there is NO hourly charge when my team is involved in a transaction where a commission is paid. Compensation Page
Contact me here.
Real Estate
- Transactional
- Sales:
- Distressed Sales
- Capital Gains Taxation
- Prop-19 – Property Tax Portability
- Buyer / Seller Disputes
- Expert Witness
Estate Planning
- Understanding Estate Planning
- Will (Pour Over to Trust)
- Living Trust + Funding Instructions
- Durable Power of Attorney
- incapacity required or not
- property management
- Advance Health Care Directive
- HIPAA Release Authorization
- Pet Protection Agreement
- Transactional Concerns
- Real Estate Contract Review
- Broker Custom & Practice
- Title Concerns
- Easement Disputes
- HOA Disputes
Do you have an issue you want to confidentially discuss? – Email me a summary outline of your concern. I will assess & respond promptly. If I can’t assist, I will refer you to someone who can.
Should You Represent Yourself?

Solutions, Strategies, & Action
Some think they can solve their issue alone or that the problem will just go away. Hiring an attorney might trigger feelings of anxiety. You don’t know what to expect, you may be concerned about what will happen, how long resolving the issue might take, and chances are you may have never experienced any legal trouble before.
Many spend significant time researching their problem on the Internet and in blogs, books & videos only to eventually realize the information is conflicting or ambiguous or simply that their issue is just too complicated to solve on their own.
In fact, most see the positive upside of engaging an advocate who acts as a buffer between them and with whomever they have a conflict .. an advocate who possesses the requisite credentials & expertise to promptly & precisely solve your concerns.
Beyond what I handle directly, I often assist clients’ CPAs, Financial Planners, Bankruptcy Attorneys, Family Law &/or Estate Planning Attorneys with real estate analysis & brokerage services that serve to mitigate legal / financial / tax liabilities.
On real estate transactions, I work collaboratively with a team of hand-picked Realtors, specific to your neighborhood, to list · market · sell and/or find you your next home.
Importantly, you are involved in frequent meaningful communication that fosters informed decision-making and that instills knowledge, confidence & peace of mind in me and the process of dispute resolution.
In every representation, I am constantly working to ..
- Establish key facts upon which you can make informed decisions,
- Provide the framework for legal / tax / real estate advice, &
- Recommend go-forward strategies to help you achieve your goals.
* Client involvement ensures there is full understanding of key pivot points that affect outcomes.
To engage me as your Broker-Realtor®, please visit
I appreciate the opportunity to be of professional assistance. Testimonials »
Family Law Attorneys & Mediators
One of the largest assets and liability in the “community” is real estate. As a result, it can become a huge pivot point in the disposition of settling the community. To this end, as a Broker-Realtor® & Attorney, I am immediately prepared to assist family law firms and mediators with the following matters:
- « List Property for Sale »
- Traditional & Distress (short) Sales
- Property Valuation
- Brokerage via Team Representation
- Procure / Interpret Preliminary Title Report
- Negotiate Lien Releases
- Reduce Legal and Tax Liability
- Expert Witnessing
- Contract Interpretation & Drafting
- Marital Settlement Agreements
- Court Pleadings
Working collaboratively with family law attorneys & mediators, along with the Court, we are more likely to bring about a quicker and less expensive resolution. Not every dissolution of marriage has to be contested. Voluntary settlements are desireable and within your grasp!
Contact me for complimentary consultation @ contact me here.